
How To Get Rid Of A Saggy Butt

Saggy Buttocks: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Every bit nosotros age or become through sure life events our bodies inevitably experience change. Unfortunately, this change is often negative and leads to people trying to observe a remedy.

In terms of saggy buttocks, this can be a condition that affects anyone just it is more common in women. The nature of a woman's trunk means that they naturally store more than fat around the area of the buttocks and hips when compared to men.

Saggy buttocks tin cause women to lose their self-confidence. Sagging buttock isn't something that women have to put up with though. Numerous steps can exist taken to perhaps prevent saggy buttocks. When the status is already evident then at that place are options such as saggy buttock surgery too as not-surgical alternatives to consider. If saggy buttocks are something causing you business organization and then we're going to share all that y'all demand to know almost this status.

What causes sagging buttocks?

Sagging buttock can be caused by a variety of factors. Generally, these are linked to the gluteal muscles which are the large muscles in your buttocks. These muscles are stiff and add to the firm and taut appearance of the buttocks. Saggy buttocks occur due to:

  • Ageing: As we historic period, the gluteal muscles naturally lose some of their forcefulness and tone. This means that buttocks brainstorm to lose the business firm appearance that they previously had.
  • Lack of exercise/poor diet: A lifestyle that sees little practice and perhaps poor diet choices can add to sagging buttocks. Practise tin can help to tone the gluteal muscles and burn calories. When this is lacking backlog fat cells sit between the gluteal muscles and skin. This can lead to peel stretching. The await of excess pare can make the buttocks appear as though they are sagging.
  • Sitting still for prolonged periods of time: There are some jobs where sitting notwithstanding is unavoidable. Unfortunately, jobs that go along you in a sitting position may brand a sagging buttock worse. This is because it causes excess fat cells to build up around the buttocks causing them to sag.
  • Dramatic weight loss: Losing a significant amount of weight tin add to a saggy buttock. Excess fatty cells cause the skin to stretch. When we lose weight, the skin should go back to how it was previously. As we age, skin loses its elasticity and instead does not return to how it was. This gives the advent of excess skin that adds to saggy buttocks.

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What are the surgical options to treat saggy buttocks?

It is mutual for women to explore the option of saggy buttock surgery. Known as a buttock lift, this surgery takes place under general anaesthetic and takes betwixt one and two hours to complete. The reason that women opt for saggy buttock surgery is that the results tin be outstanding. Often any saggy buttock issues can knock people's confidence and stop them from wearing certain clothing, specially swimwear. A buttock lift tin can change all of this.

The results of saggy buttock surgery include:

  • Buttocks that have been lifted and reshaped
  • Buttocks with a reduced volume
  • A more shapely and firmer advent
  • The removal of excess fat and skin
  • Pare being repositioned to add to tone and contouring

Past booking a consultation with a specialist you lot tin observe out exactly what a buttock lift could do for you. A surgeon is able to appraise your needs and ensure that the surgery is the right course of action to encounter your expectations.

Are there any other surgeries that may be benign?

While treating saggy buttocks, for many women it makes sense to as well remedy other issues that they have around the lower office of the torso. This can lead to an overall improved trunk image and i that boosts confidence. Surgeries that tin can compliment a buttock lift include:

A thigh lift targets loose and sagging skin around the thighs. This procedure leads to peel that feels smoother and has a firmer appearance.

Otherwise known equally a tum tuck, this targets excess skin on the breadbasket. It results in a stomach that appears firmer and more toned.

Lipo perfectly complements saggy buttock surgery besides as thigh lifts and tum tucks. Information technology sees the removal of backlog fatty and can pb to areas of the body looking more toned and contoured.

Are diet and lifestyle linked to saggy buttocks?

Given that saggy buttock has a major association with weak gluteal muscles, there is a clear link between lifestyle and sagging buttocks. Of course, ageing and some genetic factors will also play a part but there are actions that can be taken to strengthen and tone the gluteal muscles and at to the lowest degree delay sagging buttocks. In terms of diet, this alone will not address any issues just tin play an important role. Fugitive candy foods, added sugars, and excessive calories are a given. Exercises recommended past the NHS include:

  • Squats
  • Side-lying leg raises
  • Bridges
  • Ane leg kickbacks
  • Lunges

These exercises work past targeting the gluteal muscles. They besides strengthen and tone muscles in the lower back and upper leg.

Non-surgical options for saggy buttocks

For those who feel that they are not ready for saggy buttock surgery, there are a couple of non-surgical options to consider. Both of these involve being injected effectually the buttocks and tin can provide long-lasting results. The options to look at are:

  • Sculptra: This is an injection that stimulates the production of collagen. It is a popular facial handling but tin can too exist benign to the appearance of buttocks. The production of collagen can lead to the buttocks having a more than contoured appearance forth with added volume.
  • Fillers: Derma fillers are another injectable solution. The active ingredient in this is hyaluronic acid which is a natural substance found in our bodies. Fillers can help fill up out hollows and requite a smoother and more than toned appearance.

Treatments mentioned in this article

Buttock Lift Surgery and Thigh Lift Surgery are procedures to correct drooping of flat buttocks or excess skin on the thighs.

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