
How To Get A Sea Snail In Animal Crossing

The snail, Helix pomatia, is a pocket-sized clam that can be found moving slowly beyond flowers, shrubs, and rocks during rainy weather condition. When caught it hides within its protective shell. In the GCN games, snails practise non flee, just from Wild World onwards the snail volition retreat into its beat, autumn to the floor, and disappear. Snails are the only bugs in the series to not be in the "Arthropoda" Phylum.

Capture quotes

"I defenseless a snail! Hey, this isn't a issues!" —Fauna Crossing (GCN)
"I caught a snail! Escargot? Escarg-NO!" —Wild World
"I caught a snail! Seriously, though... Could yous fail to catch a snail?" —City Folk
"I defenseless a snail! Ok, well, mayhap I found a snail." —New Leaf
"I caught a snail! It's...non much to brag about." —New Horizons

Donation to the museum

As with all bugs in the Beast Crossing series, the snail tin exist donated to the Museum, past talking to Blathers who will give the player a small talk about it.

In Animal Crossing

"Let me make one affair perfectly clear: snails are non insects. Snails are members of the mollusk, wot! They are related to oysters, clams, and more manifestly to slugs. It's a well-known fact, you lot can't option your relatives. Snails take soft bodies, which are protected by hard shells, and their eyes are on the tips of their tentacles. I've pondered from time to fourth dimension, if one pulled a snail from its beat out, would it and so become a slug? Blech! The very thought of touching that slimy, mucous-covered trunk... Most foul! Utterly nauseating!

In Wild World

"I should inform you lot, some cultures consider snails a delicacy... That means that someone, somewhere, would eat this. How I fear for that person."

Afterwards donation, the snail tin can exist found on the pink cosmos nearest to the pond in the exhibit on the left of the first room of the bug area.

In Metropolis Folk

"Ah, if y'all didn't know, here'south a fact for yous... Removing a snail's shell doesn't go far a slug! If you did try to pull off a snail's trounce-- which I surely DO NOT condone-- its insides would spill out... I... Just got a mental picture of that. I fear I shall never eat again!"

Snails tin be constitute on the upper terrace of the bug exhibit, on the flowers to the right-hand side.

In New Leaf

An information lath in the bug exhibit will list this information about this bug.

"Snails are mollusks that live on country and are related to shellfish similar clams and oysters. I snail can play the role of both a male and a female, so it can lay eggs all by itself. Newly hatched snails already have a tiny crush, and then correct from birth they are easily identified. Virtually species accept clockwise spirals on their shells, though spirals that go counterclockwise are possible."

The snail can exist establish in the upper right room of the bug showroom, on the blue hydrangea bush-league backside the tree stump.

In New Horizons

When either donating to the museum or selecting "Tell me more about this!", Blathers the curator will say (with abhorrence):

"Snails are not insects, I'll admit. But they're just as revolting to me. Snails are mollusks, you run into, and are born wearing shells they cannot remove. Instead, their shells get bigger and bigger as they abound. Hoo! They must become heavy, don't you lot know! I suppose that's why they demand a trail of fungus to move about. A truly foul form of transportation."

Encyclopedia information

Wild World


Encyclopedia Data

Snail (Wild World).png "They take tiny, tiny teeth--20,000 of them--which they scrape beyond their food to eat."
Size 45 mm
Fourth dimension Rainy days
Season Spring-summer
Icon Snail (Wild World icon).png

City Folk


Encyclopedia Information

Snail (City Folk).png
"These grind their food upward, using their 20,000 teeth like a file."
Size Near 45 mm
Time All twenty-four hour period
Season Spring-Autumn

New Leaf


Encyclopedia Data

Snail encyclopedia (New Leaf).jpg
"I caught a snail! Ok, well, possibly I found a snail."
Size 54.6 mm
Fourth dimension All day
Season Spring-Fall

New Horizons


Encyclopedia Data

"I caught a snail! It's...not much to brag about."
Electric current Active Hours All day
Months active (north) All year
Months active (s) All year

Further data

A snail eating a leaf.

Main article: Helix pomatia on Wikipedia

Helix pomatia, also known as the edible snail or escargot, is a species of snail that is sometimes farmed for eating. Information technology is found throughout Europe but was introduced to Britain past the Romans. They are also used in many restaurants in Europe, such as France.

In other languages

Language Proper name
Japan Japanese カタツムリ Katatsumuri
France French Escargot
Spain Spanish Caracol
Germany German Schnecke
Italy Italian Chiocciola
The Netherlands Dutch Slak
Russia Russian Улитка Ulitka
China Chinese 蜗牛/蝸牛 Wōniú
South Korea Korean 달팽이 Dalpaengi
Aflogo.png Af+logo.png Animal.png Afe+logo.png Animal Crossing Wild World Logo.png Animal Crossing- City Folk (logo).png Animal Crossing New Leaf logo.png Pocket Camp logo en.png NewHorizons.png
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